List of artists currently in rotation on ProgRock247
Updated 1/31/2025
10cc | Gleb Kolyadin | Procol Harum |
35 Tapes | Goat | Protocol |
A Geoff Mann Band | Godley & Creme | Public Service Broadcasting |
A.C.T | Gong | Pure Reason Revolution |
Abel Ganz feat. Emily Smith | Grace and Fire | Queensrÿche |
Adrian Belew | Gravelle-Perinbam | Quidam |
Advent Horizon | Great Wide Nothing | Rachel Flowers |
Adventure | Greenslade | Rain |
Aethellis | Greg Lake | Random Earth Project |
Affinity | Gregorian | RanestRane |
Age Of Distraction | Gryphon | Refestramus |
Agitation Free | Guillotine Spring | Renaissance |
Agusa | Guranfoe | Rick Miller |
Air | H.P. Lovecraft | Rick Wakeman |
Airbag | Haken | Rick Wakeman & Adam Wakeman |
Aisles | Hällas | Rick Wakeman & The English Rock Ensemble |
Alan Parsons | Hanford Flyover | Riverside |
Alan Reed | Happy Rhodes | Robert Wyatt |
Alber Jupiter | Happy The Man | Rosalie Cunningham |
Alcantara | Harmonium | Rpwl |
Alex Canion | Harp | Ruby Dawn |
Alex Carpani | Hatfield And The North | Rush |
AltaVia | Haunt The Woods | Sally Oldfield |
Amanda Lehmann | Hawkwind | Salva |
Amarok | Hawkwind Light Orchestra | Sandrose |
Ambrosia | Heather Findlay | Sanguine Hum |
Amon Düül II | Heatwaves | Sarastro Blake |
Amplifier | Henry Cow | Scaphoid |
Anathema | Henry Parker | Schizo Fun Addict |
Ancient Bards | HFMC | Sel Balamir |
Andy Bell | HFMC (Hasse Fröberg / Musical Companion) | Sermon |
Angelic Foe | High Castle Teleorkestra | Seven Impale |
Änglagard | Hills | Seventh Wonder |
Animals As Leaders | Holly Henderson | Sextile |
Anneke van Giersbergen | Horslips | Shaman Elephant |
Annette Peacock | Iamthemorning | Shy Limbs |
Arabs In Aspic | Ian Anderson | Sigur Rós |
Area | Ice Age | Silent Skies |
Astral Magic | Imaginary Kings | Silhouette |
Atomic Rooster | Infringement | Silver Nightmares |
Atomic Time | Iona | Simon Phillips |
Aviations | IQ | Sinoptik |
Banco del Mutuo Soccorso | Isobar | Six By Six |
Baraka | It Bites | SKÁLD |
Barclay James Harvest | It's A Beautiful Day | Smalltape |
Barock Project | Jack Potter | Soars |
Be Bop Deluxe | Jackdaw 4 | Soen |
Beardfish | Jade Warrior | Soft Machine |
Beatrix Players | Jakko M Jakszyk | Solstice |
Beggars Opera | Jakko M Jakszyk, Robert Fripp, & Mel Collins | SomeWhereOut |
Belbury Poly | Jan Akkerman | Sonus Umbra |
Big Big Train | Jane Getter Premonition | Sopwith Camel |
Bill Laurance & Michael League | Jane Weaver | Souls Of Ambience |
Bill Nelson | Jason Bieler And The Baron Von Bielski Orchestra | Sound Of Contact |
Bill Nelson's Red Noise | Jeff Beck | Southern Empire |
Black Orchid Empire | Jethro Tull | Space Traffic |
Blind Ego | John Wetton | Sparks |
Blood Ceremony | John Young | Spirit |
Bo Hansson | John Young Band | Spock's Beard |
Bob Catley | Jon Anderson | Spooky Tooth |
Bruce Soord | Jon Lord & Rick Wakeman | Squackett |
Bruford | Jonas Lindberg & The Other Side | Squeaky Feet |
Bryan Beller | Jordan Rudess | Stackridge |
Cairo | Judy Henske & Jerry Yester | Starcastle |
Caligula's Horse | Justin Hayward | Stefano Panunzi |
Camel | Kaipa | Steve Hackett |
CAN | Kaleidoscope | Steve Hillage |
Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band | Kamelot | Steve Hogarth & Isildurs Bane |
Caravaggio | Kansas | Steve Howe |
Caravan | Kaprekar's Constant | Steve Kindler |
Carmen | Karfagen | Steven Wilson |
Carol of Harvest | Karmakanic | Strawbs |
Carrie Martin | Karmamoi | Stuart Hamm |
Carvalea Escarlate | Karmic Juggernaut | Styx |
Castle Mountain Moon | Karnataka | Supertramp |
Chariot Of Pumpkins | Katatonia | Symphony X |
Chas Cronk | Kate Bush | Tangerine Dream |
Chasing The Monsoon | Kayak | Temic |
Chris Comet & Friends | Kepler Ten | Tempest |
Chris Squire | Kevin Ayers | Temple Of Switches |
Christopher Lee | Khan | Terry Reid |
Ciccada | King Crimson | The Aaron Clift Experiment |
Circuline | Kingcrow | The Alan Parsons Project |
Clive Mitten | Klaatu | The Ancestry Program |
Clive Nolan & Alan Reed | Klone | The Anchoress |
Closure In Moscow | Kornmo | The Bambir |
Coheed And Cambria | Kshettra | The Bardic Depths |
Comedy Of Errors | Kurt Michaels | The Beautified Project |
Comus | KYROS | The Blackheart Orchestra |
Confusion Field | Langan, Frost & Wane | The Chronicles of Father Robin |
Cosmograf | Large Plants | The Curator |
Covet | Lars Fredrik Frøislie | The Dowling Poole |
Cozmic Box | Last Flight To Pluto | The Drinking Club |
Crack The Sky | Laughing Stock | The Early Years |
Crown Lands | Laura Meade | The Enigma Division |
Curved Air | Laurie Anderson | The Fierce And The Dead |
Cyan | Lazuli | The Flock |
Damanek | Le Orme | The Flower Kings |
Daniel Cavanagh | Lee Abraham | The Flying Caravan |
Darryl Way | Legacy Pilots | The Fusion Syndicate |
Dave Bainbridge | LeSoir | The Groundhogs |
Dave Kerzner | Life In Digital | The Kaleidoscope |
David Cross Band | Lifesigns | The Kentish Spires |
David Gilmour | Liquid Tension Experiment | The Left Outsides |
David Longdon | Lizzard | The Lemon Twigs |
Days Before Tomorrow | Locanda Delle Fate | The Mars Volta |
Deception Store | Lonely Robot | The Mentulls |
DeeExpus | Long Earth | The Michael Dunn Project |
Deep Purple | Love | The Moody Blues |
Deposed King | Lucifer's Friend | The Neal Morse Band |
Derek Sherinian | Lucy In Blue | The Nice |
Devin Townsend | Lunatic Soul | The Oculist |
Diagonal | Magic Pie | The Paradox Twin |
Dikajee | Magma | The Pineapple Thief |
District 97 | Magna Carta | The Pretty Things |
Djabe & Steve Hackett | Magnum | The Raging Project |
Dogma | Mahogany Frog | The Reasoning |
Dommengang | Mainhorse | The Skys |
Donner | Malady | The Snozzberries |
Doris Brendel & Lee Dunham | Manfred Mann's Earth Band | The Strawbs |
Doug Melbourne & Tony Patterson | Marathon | The Sundowners |
Downes Braide Association | Marillion | The Sweet |
Dr Tocky | Markus Reuter Truce feat. Asaf Sirkis | The Tangent |
Dream The Electric Sleep | Martin Barre | The United States of America |
Dream Theater | Martin Haggarty | The Watch |
Dreaming Madmen | Matt Page | The Windmill |
Drifting Sun | Matteo Mancuso | The Wishing Tree |
Dukes Of The Orient | Maxophone | Therion |
D'Virgilio, Morse & Jennings | Mice On Stilts | Third Ear Band |
Early Cross | Michal Lapaj | Thirteen Of Everything |
Ebony Buckle | Midas Fall | This Winter Machine |
Eddie Jobson & Zinc | Mindgames | Three Colours Dark |
Eden Shadow | Mist Descends | Threshold |
Edison's Children | Moby Grape | Tiger Moth Tales |
Egg | Molybaron | Tim Bowness |
Einar Solberg | Monkey3 | Tim Hunter |
Elder | Moon Halo | TNNE |
Electric Eye | Moon Safari | Toadstone |
Electric Light Orchestra | Moonrise | Tomorrow |
Electro Compulsive Therapy | Mostly Autumn | Tony Banks |
Elephants of Scotland | Muse | Tony Kaye |
Ellesmere | Museo Rosenbach | Tony Patterson |
Eloy | Mystery | Tony Patterson & Brendan Eyre |
Emerson, Lake & Palmer | Mystic Machine | Tony Patterson & Doug Melbourne |
Emerson, Lake & Powell | Mythos | TOOL |
Eric Woolfson | Nad Sylvan | Touchstone |
Esthesis | National Health | Toundra |
Exploring Birdsong | Neal Morse | Traffic |
Eye Of Melian | Nektar | Transatlantic |
Eyeless Owl | Neu! | Trevor Rabin |
Fairport Convention | Nick Beggs | Trifecta |
Family | Nick D'Virgilio | Troy Donockley & Dave Bainbridge |
Fanny | Nick Fletcher | Tuesday The Sky |
Field Music | Nick Fletcher & Dave Bainbridge | Tusmørke |
Finally George | Nightwish | Twelfth Night |
Fish | Nine Skies | United Progressive Fraternity |
Fish On Friday | No-Man | Unitopia |
Flying Circus | Nordic Giants | Univers Zero |
Flying Colors | North Atlantic Oscillation | Uriah Heep |
FM | Numen | Van Der Graaf Generator |
Focus | O.R.k. | Vanden Plas |
For All We Know | Oaksenham | Victim Of Illusion |
Forenzics | Ocean Districts | Virgil & Steve Howe |
Franck Carducci & Mary Reynaud | Odin Dragonfly | Viriditas |
Frank Zappa | Oliver Wakeman | VOLA |
Frank Zappa & The Mothers of Invention | Onségen Ensemble | Von Hertzen Brothers |
Frant1c | Osi | Voyager |
Frost* | Ostura | VUUR |
Fruit Bats | Overhead | Warmrain |
Funkadelic | P.F.M. | Wazzoon |
Gabriel Keller | Panic Room | We Came From Space |
Galahad | Pattern-Seeking Animals | Wetton & Downes |
Galahad Electric Company | Pavlov's Dog | Wheel |
Galaxy | Pearls Before Swine | White Willow |
Gary Numan | Pendragon | Willie Dowling |
Genesis | Peter Capaldi | Willowglass |
Gentle Giant | Peter Gabriel | Wishbone Ash |
Geoff Downes | Peter Gee | Within Temptation |
Geoff Mann | Peter Hammill | Wobbler |
Geoff Mann & Clive Nolan | Pink Floyd | Xandria |
Gerard Smith | Pixie Ninja | Yes |
Getšemane | Plantoid | YYNOT |
Giles, Giles & Fripp | Plini | Zen Orchestra |
Glass Beach | Porcupine Tree | Zero Hour |
Glass Hammer | PreHistoric Animals | Zio |
Premiata Forneria Marconi | Zopp |